Friday, February 16, 2007

T'he lore of the Econ tribe

The Econ tribe occupies a vast territory in the far North. Their land
appears bleak and dismal to the outsider, and travelling through it makes
for rough sledding; but the Econ, through a long period of adaptation,
have learned to wrest a living of sorts from it. They are not without some
genuine and sometimes even fierce attachment to their ancestral grounds,
and their young are brought up to feel contempt for the softer living in
the warmer lands of their neighbours. such as the Polscis and the Sociogs.
Despite a common genetical heritage. relations with these tribes are
strained-the distrust and contempt that the average Econ feels for these
neighbours being heartily reciprocated by the latter-and social intercourse
with them is inhibited by numerous taboos. The extreme clannishness, not
to say xenophobia, of the Econ makes life among them difficult and perhaps
even somewhat dangerous for the outsider.

via marginal revolution


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