Why Television Sucks on her mother...
For the last ten years of her life, she has been a Hospice Nurse. What this means is, my mother has seen a LOT OF PEOPLE DIE. A LOT. She is at peace about her passage. She has seen things, she tells me. The same things, over and over and over, as the end approaches. She knows there is a system in place on the other side to shepherd you into the next world. She says, “At some point, they begin to focus on a point up and in the corner of their room, and their eyes are FOCUSING on something, and they speak to it and LISTEN TO IT. It starts out as “No.” Or, “I’m Scared.” And they pause and listen. Sometimes, this will go on for days. Until, finally, the dying person will be looking at the spot, and out of nowhere say, “Yes. Allright.” And they close their eyes and pass away. TIME AFTER TIME AFTER TIME. My mother says, when you ask who they are talking to, it is a relative who is dead, Aunt, Uncle, Mother, Father. She also said 100% of men, when they die, call out for their mothers.
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